Monday, March 23, 2009

Modified Smokin' Ladders

Now that Melissa has successfully learned and executed the snatch, and she's at the end of her S&C program, we thought that the perfect workout for her today would be a modified version of Smokin' Ladders. We followed the structure of the original program, but changed up some of the exercises (i.e. Double C&P was changed to Single Arm C&P; Snatch ladders were a combination of high pulls & snatches, etc). She did an excellent job and made it through 9 rounds of the 12 round program in about 50 mins. I am so proud of her, and she is thoroughly enjoying her kettlebell program. She'll take a few weeks off to focus on deliverables for her pharmacy program, but then she'll be back to the Underground in May for some more hard core training. Well done, Mel!!!! :-)

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