Thursday, March 11, 2010

March Maddness - TRX Style

Well, we have entered a new month, and with it brings a new challenge (along with the return of SPRING!!). We are basing this month's challenge off of the original TRX 40/40 drill. We did a trial run at the gym tonight, and I decided to modify the challenge to something more manageable for us.

The original TRX 40/40 challenge combines two signature TRX exercises we use to measure upper body and core strength: the TRX Atomic Push-Up and the TRX Low Row. It essentially tests your ability to complete 40 atomic push-ups and 40 low rows. The task is simple: do as many atomic push-ups as you can, take a 1 minute break, and then do as many low rows as you can.

Most of my clients haven't graduated to the atomic push-up yet or the true depth of the low row to complete 40/40. We will keep building up stamina over the next 3 weeks and see how much we improve. We are changing the exercises to the TRX Chest Press (as deep as you can handle) and the TRX low row (as low as you can handle). Our challenge will be a 40/15. I know that my clients will rock this out!! They'll be practcing lots of push-ups, planks, supermans, and side planks outside of the gym this month, which should yield some solid results in upper body & core strength.

For inspiration, here are the pro's demonstrating the original TRX 40/40 challenge:

Monday, March 8, 2010

Check out our new site map

To make navigating our blog a bit easier, we have created a few pages that we hope will be useful for you.

We've broken our site down into the following sections:

  • Blog Posts: This is essentially our home page with our periodic blog discussions & conversations.
  • Programs & Rates: This is a listing of the services and programs that we offer, as well as prices.
  • Client Testimonials: Check out what our clients are saying about us!
  • Payment Methods: We accept cash, bank check/money order, and payment via PayPal. We do charge a 3% fee for PayPal transactions.
  • Our Products: Want to buy a TRX suspension trainer? Kettlebells, ropes, or DVDs from Art of Strength? Well, our products page is for you!
  • Current gym challenge: We like to keep things interesting at the Underground. We periodically issue a challenge for you to take on at home or just hear about what our clients are doing. You never know what we might cook up... :-)
  • Contact Form: If you have any questions or are interested in training with us, please fill out our contact form. We will cheerfully respond to your inquiry as soon as possible.

You can access these links anytime from the "Site Map" section on the right-hand menu bar.

Thanks for your continued business, and we hope to meet you soon...especially since spring has almost sprung :-)

Have a great day!

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Results in abundance!

Our clients have been dedicated and committed to their training and nutrition. The results have really paid off! We have several clients who have dropped 20 pounds+ since their journeys with us have began. In addition, there have been impressive gains in strength, conditioning, and remarkable improvements in overall health & fitness. We are so proud of all that our athletes have accomplished. Hard work DOES pay off!! Congratulations!!

Let us know if we can assist you with your personal health & fitness goals.

At ATX Underground Fitness, we put the "personal" back into personal training, even in our small groups. We would love to work with you!