Sunday, September 6, 2009

Enter: the 9th month of 2009..are you still on track?

Wow, time has just flown by. We are already at the beginning of the 9th month of the year. How have you done with the goals that you set for yourself back in January? How are your health, overall conditioning level, and self esteem?

Bottom line: we have 4 months left of 2009 - 16 weeks. If you fell off track, you still time to get back on. Realize that setbacks happen to ALL of us. Be strong enough to take that first step. Don't be afraid to ask for help taking the second and third steps. In 16 weeks, you can get in the best shape of your life, or just feel better about yourself. ATX Underground Fitness can help you get there! It's never too late to start. If you have a habit of saying "I'll start tomorrow, or next week, or next month", we want you to throw that thought away and cancel it with something positive. Start NOW. Believe in YOURSELF. Surround yourself with the tools to get you there.

We are happy to help you; one of our semi-private training groups are a great way to meet friends, gain teamwork, and get in better physical condition. Please contact us if you feel that we can help in any way. Make it happen! No excuses!

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