Our Underground Ladies never cease to amaze me! They are a bunch of hard working, driven athletes. We put them through a simply awesome circuit on Saturday, and they excelled as usual! We didn't take any pictures since we were busy coaching, but if you want to give it a try, here's the protocol. Jay & I went through the workout ourselves on Sunday, and it was really tough! Way to go, Sujatha & Melissa!!!
Circuit #1Perform 2 rounds of this circuit with 3:00 Work/0:45 Rest for each exercise. Rest 1-2 mins between rounds.
Elliptical (Moderate resistance/RPM at least 60 for first minute, increase resistance and RPM during second minute, all out 30 sec sprint on the last minute, cool down back to 60RPM/moderate resistance for the last 30 sec)KB Swings (Mix up 2-handed, 1-handed, hand-to-hand)Quick Feet (0:30) & Alternating Lunges on Bosu ball (0:30)Incline DB Press (0:30) & Bicep Curl (0:30)AbsCircuit #2
Perform 2 rounds of this circuit with 2:00 Work/0:30 Rest for each exercise. Rest 1-2 mins between rounds.
Bike (Sprint 0:20, Recover 0:10 for the entire work period)KB Swings OR Clean & Press Sandbag Squats (0:30) & Jumping Pull-Ups (0:30)1-Arm DB (or KB) Row (0:30) & BW Dips (0:30)AbsIf you have anything left in the tank, try this final finisher circuit:
Finisher Circuit (1x, 2:00 work/0:30 rest)
Heavy BagJog-in-place & Punch with 3lb dumbells (punch up for 0:30, punch forward 0:30)
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